Product Spotlight: Child Safety Door Knob Covers
From time to time, we like to focus on a particular product that aims to keep young children safe. In the past, we’ve discussed the importance of a child safety gate and pinch guards for doors. Today, let’s take a closer look at child safety door knob covers.
What are Child Safety Door Knob Covers?
As we often say on the Child Safety Store blog, an open door can be rather dangerous to a child. Kids are naturally curious. Above all, they love to explore “forbidden” places. Doors can lead to dangerous chemicals, drowning hazards, or a dark staircase. All of these hazards rightfully terrify worried parents. When it comes to caring for children, active adult supervision is best. That said, even the most diligent parent cannot be on full alert all day, every day.
That’s where child safety door knob covers come in. These handy devices slip over the door knobs or levers, providing an extra layer of protection. Little hands will not be able to access the doorknob, while it still remains completely accessible to adults.
We highly recommend that all parents install child safety door knob covers on every door in their home. These low-cost safety measures can mean the difference between life and death for a curious child. Below, we’ll specifically focus on two of our best-selling child safety door knob covers: Safety 1st's Lever Handle Lock and Grip 'n Twist Door Knob Cover.
Safety 1st Grip 'n Twist Door Knob Cover
Let’s start with the Safety 1st Grip 'n Twist Door Knob Cover. These covers are designed to fit over most standard doorknobs. The products work by putting a handy case over the knob. Parents can bypass it easily with a pinch, but the door should seem quite inaccessible for children. These child safety door knob covers are sold in packs of three and four. They can also be purchased as part of the Safety 1st Home Safeguarding Kit.
To see this product in action, take a look at our detailed product review and highlight video:
Safety doesn’t have to be an eyesore. As you can see, the modern design aims to blend in with your home. Additionally, the Safety 1st Grip 'n Twist Door Knob Cover glows in the dark for nighttime use.
Safety 1st Lever Handle Lock
Next, let’s talk about the Safety 1st Lever Handle Lock. Where the last product worked on standard door knobs, this variety aims to accommodate most French/Lever style handles. It locks in place and must be pressed and slid to open. This child-resistant feature should help to keep your little one out of potentially dangerous or forbidden areas inside your home.
Safety First
Remember, child safety door knob covers are not a catch-all safety device. They can only function as a temporary deterrent. Eventually, most children will figure out how to defeat these knob covers. The trick is to prevent them from seeing how the device operates so they don’t try to imitate your actions. This can help parents to extend the usefulness of these childproofing products for as long as possible.
Finally, don’t let yourself be lulled into a false sense of security. Though you may have child-proofed your home with a variety of safety products, nothing is a substitute for proper adult supervision.