Turkey Fryer Safety Tips

Turkey Fryer Safety Tips

Last year, we gave you some great Thanksgiving safety tips. This time, let’s focus directly on that bird! It’s time for some basic turkey fryer safety tips.

The latest trend in Thanksgiving cooking is fried turkey. People love the crisp, savory taste, but as you may have seen on the news, the cooking process can be quite dangerous. Here are some turkey fryer safety tips to get you through the day.

Turkey Fryer Safety Tips

Respect the Fryer

First and foremost, you should always understand and respect the fryer. The best turkey fryer safety tip we can offer is that you should keep your wits about you around the device. After all, consumer-grade fryers are filled with quite a large quantity of cooking oil…which is then brought to boiling hot temperatures around 350 degrees. The possibility of a scalding accident or a fire cannot be overstated.

In fact, U.S. fire departments report that they have to respond to more than 1,000 fires each year involving a deep fryer. According to the National Fire Protection Association, fires like these result in more than $15 million in property damage each year.

No Frozen Birds!

One of the most important rules to follow comes when you’re choosing your turkey. Above all, when cooking with a fryer, never use a frozen turkey! Basically, the water on the frozen bird turns to steam, which causes the ultra-hot oil to overflow. As you can probably guess, this can lead to an extremely hazardous fire. But don’t just take our word for it. Instead, watch this informative video:


Prepare for Fire

As you can see in that video, a fryer fire isn’t a joking matter. It can quickly go from a small flame to a raging blaze. For this reason, it’s critical to follow proper safety precautions. For example, always keep a grease-rated fire extinguisher close at hand. You may need it at a moment’s notice. 

Additionally, one of the best turkey fryer safety tips involves where and when you decide to set it up. You should never use it outdoors in inclement weather. Just like with a frozen bird, the moisture from rain or snow can play havoc with the oil. Additionally, don’t set the fryer up on a wooden deck. In fact, stay away from wood in general. That means trees and leaves as well.

Finally, don’t forget to use protective equipment, including eye protection and strong heat-resistant cooking mitts. if you’re interested in learning more about burn safety, we’ve written a dedicated blog post all about it.

Keep Kids Out of Harm’s Way

Above all, a fryer can be extra dangerous to little ones and pets. Be sure to keep both children and pets far away from the cooking area. We’ve addressed stove safety in the past, but that goes double for turkey fryer safety. Curious kids and critters should never step anywhere near this device. In addition to keeping a close eye on your loved ones, never leave the fryer unattended.

Additionally, remember that the fryer will still remain hot long after cooking is complete. This heat can grow for hours, so let the oil cool overnight. You can dispose of it the next day, once the heat has dissipated. 

Remember, fried turkey can be delicious, but even if you’re following all of our turkey frying safety tips, there is still danger. The grease can still splash and cause burns or even worse injuries. Cooking fires are far too common, but the reports of cooking-related accidents often double on Thanksgiving.

If you’re frying a turkey this year, good luck! It’s sure to be a hit, but make sure you take extra careful safety precautions. You’ll be glad you did.

Happy Thanksgiving!

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