Child Safety Store: Guide to a Safe Thanksgiving
Everyone wishes each other Happy Thanksgiving, but at Child Safety Store, we want to wish you a safe Thanksgiving as well!
Today, we’ll be going over a few tips to help keep you and your family out of harm’s way this holiday weekend:
Guide to a Safe Thanksgiving
On the Road
We’ve covered the dangers of drowsy driving on this blog. The roads can be treacherous during the Thanksgiving weekend. It’s exciting to see friends and family, but it is important to stay alert during a potentially hazardous drive.
Additionally, parents of small children should take extra care with their car safety seat. In the cold weather, layering a child in bulky clothes can actually reduce the effectiveness of the car seat. Instead, a smarter choice is to remove their coat, secure the child into the seat, then lay the coat over the little one. It provides your child with the warmth of the coat while also keeping them safe and secure. For more information, you can read our full blog post about how to properly use a car safety seat.
Let’s Talk Turkey
Though it’s bad news for turkey lovers, the CDC has reported an outbreak of salmonella in raw turkey this year. That’s tough, but it’s not as though everyone is going to skip out on their favorite holiday bird. A safe Thanksgiving is still possible with a little care and preparation!
To be sure you’re staying safe, you should avoid purchasing fresh, pre-stuffed turkeys. Additionally, it’s best to buy your turkey at least 1-2 days before you cook it. If it’s frozen, it should be defrosted properly. Defrosting in the refrigerator is the best way to keep the turkey free from contamination. Remember, for every 4-5 pounds of bird, you’ll need to set aside one day to thaw. Once thawing is complete, it’s important to begin cooking the bird immediately.
Now that the turkey is in the oven, don’t take it out too soon! A partially cooked bird is as good as an uncooked one! How will you know if the turkey is cooked? Use a thermometer on the innermost parts of the thigh and wing, as well as the thickest portion of the breast. This thorough check will ensure that your turkey is ready to serve.
Once you take it out, don’t carve it immediately! You’ll want to give the juices about 20 minutes to settle.
Keep the Kitchen Safe
Before getting started, it’s important to childproof your kitchen. Beyond salmonella, germs are always a danger in the kitchen. Keep raw meat away from vegetables or other uncooked food. Also, don’t touch cooked food and uncooked food at the same time. That’s how germs spread!
To help create a safe Thanksgiving, be sure to wash your hands with soap and water before and after handling food. Scrub those surfaces and utensils too!
Now that your turkey is out of the oven, remember: fire can be a serious hazard. This is especially true when you have multiple dishes cooking at once. As you can imagine, a kitchen on Thanksgiving can be dangerous. According to the U.S. Fire Administration, more than 4,000 fires happen each year.
To prevent a fire, make sure to keep a close eye on your food. No matter what, a hot stove or oven should never be left unattended. That goes double for when you are frying and grilling. If you’re deep frying a turkey, keep it outside and away from the walls of your home. It may be delicious, but the cooking process can quickly turn dangerous. Take extra care!
Child Proofing for the Holidays
As our readers know, childproofing a home can be a complicated process. During a big holiday, there may be more curious little ones puttering around than usual. To keep kids out of danger, think ahead! For instance, keep hot food away from the edge of the counter. Also, protect your fireplace with a sturdy screen. Finally, don’t forget to lock up the medicine. Kids love to get into rattling bottles. They also love to explore. Therefore, be sure to keep your medicine locked up tightly. It should also be stored as high as you can manage. This will help to keep the meds out of sight and out of mind for the little explorers.
That’s about it! Have a wonderful and safe Thanksgiving, everyone! Thanks for reading.