Staying Safe for Halloween 2021
Halloween is a few weeks away, and the world is still an unsure place. What are parents and children to do this year? Fortunately, at least in terms of the pandemic, the holiday seems to be a lot safer for kids than it was last year. Read on for some advice on staying safe for Halloween 2021.
How Does COVID-19 Affect Staying Safe for Halloween 2021?
Let us start by addressing the coronavirus-sized elephant in the room. The big question parents are asking is: should kids be trick-or-treating? Fortunately, the government’s top infectious diseases expert has some hopeful news.
Here’s the interview from CNN:
According to Dr. Anthony Fauci, families should feel safe trick-or-treating outdoors this year. Since this popular activity takes place mostly outdoors in the open air, there’s no reason kids can’t have a good time this Halloween. That said, it is still important for kids and adults alike to stay as careful as possible.
Changing It Up
Of course, this news may not be enough to ease the nerves of all parents. Of course, staying safe for Halloween 2021 should also include peace of mind.
For parents who are still concerned about Halloween this year, why not set up some alternative safety measures for celebrating? For example, kids can practice social distancing by staying six feet apart. Instead of bunching up at the doors, this will keep things orderly. For anyone handing out candy, consider leaving the treats outside your door or even in the driveway to prevent crowding.
Alternately, parents and neighborhoods can organize small outdoor costume parades. As long as everyone stays six feet apart and wears masks, this is another safe option.
If any little ones are wearing COVID-19 safety masks, parents should make sure they can still breathe. Doubling up costume masks and safety masks can be surprisingly constricting to a child’s airways. Even while staying safe for Halloween 2021, trick-or-treating can be a lot of walking around. It is important that those little ones can get some air.
Keep Your Eyes Safe from Decorative Lenses
When it comes to staying safe for Halloween, here’s something a lot of people might miss: the dangers of decorative eye lenses. A lot of Halloween costumes include wild, decorative lenses to really add to the spookiness. Unfortunately, these can cause some pretty bad damage to the eyes if used without a prescription.
Decorative lenses are not one-size-fits-all. They can cause sores, tears and other types of damage to the eyes. Scratching damage can even be permanent. That’s a problem far beyond Halloween 2021. Believe it or not, this is enough of a problem that the CDC even has a dedicated page packed with information.
Heading Out on the Town
If your children will be trick-or-treating, then it pays to plan out a route. Like any good plan, the earlier you figure this out, the better. This plan will keep everything fun, yet orderly. It also keeps the little ones close by. You can make sure their route includes only safe, walkable neighborhoods.
As a plan of attack, discuss with your child exactly which neighborhoods and streets are acceptable for trick-or-treating. For younger kids, a responsible adult should always join them, keeping a close eye on their activities.
Beyond this, it doesn’t hurt to prepare for possible trouble. Have a safety plan in place in case a child gets lost or separated from your group. Each child should know their address and how to call 9-1-1.
While walking, try to stay on sidewalks, when possible. Most of all, be careful by any roads. Stay where it is well-lit and don’t wander into the street. According to the Safe Kids organization, children are more than twice as likely to be hit by a car and killed on Halloween than on any other day of the year.
These tips are merely suggestions and should not be taken as medical advice. For any further questions, consult your pediatrician.