Let’s Talk Potty Training Awareness
It’s June, which is Potty Training Awareness Month. Now, it is probably a safe bet that most new parents are pretty aware of the idea of potty training. This isn’t exactly a small part of the whole parenting gig.
That said, this can still be a long and difficult road for toddlers and parents alike. Today, let’s try to talk about some general guidelines and helpful tips.
Potty Training Awareness
Why is potty training awareness important? Well, first and foremost, not every kid is ready to use the toilet at the same age. There are a lot of supposed quick fixes and guaranteed methods. In general, the best advice for most families is to remain aware and attentive to their child’s particular development and needs. This differs from active supervision, which is far more focused watching of a child.
Instead, potty training awareness requires a parent to connect with their children and discover the signs that they’re ready to try the toilet. Diapers and swim diapers can be both an annoyance and a comfort to many kids. It is important not to rush them into a new phase of life. Believe it or not, sometimes rushing a little one can make the training last much longer. Instead, communicate with your child to learn when they may be showing signs of readiness.
These signs may include:
- Showing an interest in the bathroom or underwear.
- Hiding when they are “doing their business.” Indicating they can tell when it is coming and they take a form of action.
- Keeping multiple diapers dry for at least two hours. This shows they’re beginning to learn control.
- Being able to pull up and pull down their diaper or pants.
Getting Started
The first step is deciding what to call our body parts. Technical terms may still be a bit too much for your little one, so it is important to get on the same page. Using simple familiar terms will greatly help the process.
Next, place the potty chair in the area that is familiar to your child. Keeping the potty in a spot they are familiar with helps a child’s potty training awareness by keeping toilet time top of mind.
Schedule Potty Time
Beyond an immediate need, many parents find success by scheduling potty time. Of course this won’t last forever, but can help to reinforce the idea that it is always important to go to the bathroom if needed. The time frame you choose can vary based on your child, but it is best not to make a learning child wait any longer than two hours between visits to the potty.
Show and Tell
As most parents quickly notice, kids are very curious. Additionally, they learn a lot by mimicking what they see. The same is true for potty training.
This is where it pays to show and tell. Teach them how to use the handle and what the toilet paper is for. Sitting with them and demonstrating can go a long way. To reinforce these lessons, consider adding some books with potty training awareness to nightly story time.
Praise and Reward
Above all, most kids are looking for approval and rewards for good behavior. This is totally natural and can really help during toilet training. Some parents believe that any successes should be treated with exaggerated praise. Another common practice is to give them small rewards as a way to help reinforce good habits. Proper behavior leading to extra hugs and celebrations will encourage them to continue.
With a bit of patience and love, they’ll be a big kid wearing big kid undies soon enough!