Purr-fect Pals: Kids and Cat Safety
We’ve talked about our pets before, but let’s dive deeper into how we can encourage a safe relationship between kids and their beloved cat. Children and their cats are often great playmates, but it’s important to always take proper precautions to keep both of them safe. If kids and cat safety isn’t taken seriously, either one of your precious little ones can be injured!
Let’s Talk Kids and Cat Safety
As a people, we absolutely adore our feline friends. In fact, this week even included a National Hug Your Cat Day. That’s right, we like these creatures so much that we dedicate a day to scooping up our meowing buddies in our arms and showering them with affection.
That said, a wild claw or an overzealous child can quickly sour a fun moment. A kitty can often get spooked or angry. A child may fail to recognize when a cat is losing patience. This can lead to physical danger and long-term emotional pain for both parties. Today, we’ll take a closer look at kids and cat safety.
Respecting Boundaries
Boundaries can often become an issue between cats and a curious child. Kids sometimes don’t realize that pulling a cat’s tale or aggressively petting the animal can be painful or uncomfortable for their usually friendly feline. For parents, one of the best ways to solve this issue is to simply talk to the child about how to treat a cat. They should be shown the correct way to pet or hold the animal.
A gentle stroke is all that’s needed. For especially young children such as a toddler, you can even hold their hand open and demonstrate proper technique. As the child gets older, they will want to pick up the cat. That’s fine as long as they remember to respect the animal’s wishes and personal space.
Holding a kitty can be tricky for children. For one, a child’s balance is certainly not equal to that of an adult. Instead of simply walking over and attempting to scoop up the creature, teach them to sit on the floor and wait for the cat to come to them. No matter what, respect the animal’s wishes. If it tries to leave, kids need to understand that it’s important to release the cat from their grip.
Above all, always make sure to praise and reinforce your child for proper treatment of their pet. A little praise can go a long way toward creating a lifetime of good relationships.
Active Supervision is Key
Since cats have claws and can become easily spooked, it’s important to always keep a close eye on kids during any interaction with cats. An accident can happen quickly. That’s where active supervision comes in. A parent or babysitter can help to keep a situation calm for both the child and animal. When things are getting too hectic, the supervising adult can call for a break. This often gives the cat a much-needed break from a potentially stressful situation. It also prevents the cat from lashing out in frustration and potentially hurting the child.
Kids and Cats Playing Together
As long as both kids and cats understand boundaries and know to keep playtime calm, a good time can be had by all parties. As adults, we just need to remember to keep a close eye on the situation. With these simple tips for kids and cats safety, your whole family will become closer!