4 Educational Pool Games to Play During Your Quarantine

4 Educational Pool Games to Play During Your Quarantine

Educational pool games are always a fun way to liven up learning.  During the current COVID-19 pandemic, students are home from school, causing parents to practice their homeschooling skills. Luckily, experts have indicated that going in the pool is a safe activity during these times. So, we figured this would be the perfect time to add a few more options to your teaching toolbox!

Today, let’s review what experts have to say about swimming during the pandemic, and go over some educational pool games to occupy your kids while they’re home from school.

Swimming During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Great news!  After weeks of studying the COVID-19 virus, experts now understand that the virus is not transmitted through the water. Not only that but, according to trusted sources like the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, any signs of the virus are likely to be killed by your pool’s cleaning agents, like chlorine. This means that, even during quarantine, you can get some fresh air and enjoy a swim.

Please note that we do not recommend using a community pool at this time. Social distancing should take priority.

Practice Safe Swim Guidelines

Swim Lessons First. First things first, if you are bringing kids into the pool, be sure that everyone has had swim lessons, including adults. Whether or not they have had lessons, children should wear a U.S. Coast Guard approved life jacket

Actively Supervise. The kids (and let’s face it – you too!) may be going a bit stir crazy by spending so much time indoors. Pool time can be an excellent break in the day. Just don’t let the kids into the pool while you try to get other things done. Children who are in your pool area should always be actively supervised. After all, drowning is the number one cause of death for kids under four years of age.

Remove All Toys When You’re Done. Last, toys used for your educational pool games should always be cleared from the pool when you go inside. If kids see the toys, they may be tempted to explore your pool area, even if they were last seen inside the house.

4 Educational Pool Games

Here are four educational pool games you can play with your kids. After all, we need to keep things interesting these days! All of these can be done with supplies that you likely already have at home.

  1. Physical Education: Above all else, swimming is great for your health, motor skills and balance – and it even reduces physical and mental stress. Playing games that require physical tension, like Simon Says or lap races, can get your child exercising without even realizing it. 
  1. Counting: For this activity, you’ll need some ever-popular pool noodles. Let’s face it, most parents with kids and a pool have some of these laying around! Cut up the noodle into discs, write a number on each piece and put them in the water. Depending on your child’s skill level, you can task the child to find all even or odd numbers, “fish” for the answer to an equation, add the numbers together, etc. Endless possibilities!
  1. Spelling: This time, you’ll need some sponges. Cut them in half and use a marker to write one letter on each piece. Then, put them in the pool. Have your child dive for as many letters as they can find in 30 seconds and have them try to make words from the letters they find.  This can be a fun exercise for your little ones in a baby pool as well.  For the younger set, have them sound out the letters they find.
  1. Adding Money: If you can spare a little change, drop some coins into the shallow end of the pool and have your kids dive to collect them. When they are done, help them to calculate the amount of money they found. If you’re feeling generous, you can even let them keep the coins if they get the answer right!
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