Are Inclined Sleepers Safe for Children?
Are inclined sleepers safe for infants? This has been a topic of much discussion lately. A few months back, we reported news of an inclined sleeper by Fisher-Price that was recalled. That recall of 4.7 million products has since sparked a larger conversation. Today, parents and caregivers are wondering if inclined sleepers are ever safe to use. Many brands and retailers are making the shift away from selling these products. In fact, on January 29, four different brands all voluntarily recalled their sleepers.
Let’s take a look at why these products can be so dangerous, which products were recalled, and what a safe sleep environment really looks like.
Are Inclined Sleepers Safe?
New Safety Standards
This past fall, the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) issued a statement supporting a long held opinion of the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP). The Commission introduced a proposal that would remove inclined infant sleeper products from the market. The proposal would also issue a new safety standard that does not allow for an incline greater than ten degrees. The statement was presented after a recent study showed evidence of danger. In a nutshell, the incline on these sleepers makes it easier for babies to roll over. In many cases, this tragically results in the baby struggling to correct their position and ultimately suffocating.
Recently Recalled Inclined Sleepers
As implied above, it is not a coincidence that four different brands recalled products on the same day. At the urging of the CPSC, these sleepers were recalled voluntarily, . None of these brands recalled their products due to any fatalities, but sited overall safety concerns. These are the four recalls:
- Evenflo’s Pillo Portable Napper
- Summer Infant’s SwaddleMe By Your Bed
- Graco’s Little Lounger Rocking Seats
- Products by Delta Enterprise Corp.
- (Beautyrest Beginnings Incline Sleeper with Adjustable Feeding Position for Newborns; Disney Baby Minnie Mouse Incline Sleeper with Adjustable Feeding Position for Newborns; Delta Children Deluxe 3-in-1 Activity Rocker, Feeder and Sleeper; Simmons Kids Beautyrest Deluxe 3-in-1 Activity Rocker, Feeder, and Sleeper; 3-in-1 Activity Rocker, Feeder and Incline Sleeper and others)
The CPSC has worked with these manufacturers to conduct their voluntary recalls. In addition, four retailers proactively agreed to stop selling inclined sleepers.
What is a Safe Sleep Environment?
All of this information about inclined sleepers is a lot to take in. Of course, all parents will want to do what is right for your child. Ensuring the safest sleep conditions possible will go a long way in promoting their safety. The safest sleeping conditions for your child include:
- A firm, flat surface. A nice soft mattress may sound better to us as adults, but the extra padding can cause a suffocation risk to little ones.
- A crib or bassinet. We always want to cuddle with our kids, but a crib or bassinet provide much more reliable surfaces.
- Placing the baby on their back. Babies should always be placed on their backs before a nap. This is especially important for babies who are not yet able to roll back over on their own.
- No blankets, pillows, bumpers or toys. Simply put, these items cause additional suffocation dangers.